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5 Practical Books I Reread Every Single Year That Continues To Upgrade My Life

Photo By Andrea Piacquadio On Pexels

A few years ago, I came across a quote that left a lasting impression on my views about reading books:

"The difference between who you are now and who you are five years from now comes down to the people you meet and the books you read."

Though the author of this quote remains unknown, its impact on my mindset has been remarkable.

Since that time, I've delved into the pages of approximately 64 books over the past three years.

As I turn each page, this quote's essence engraves itself deeper into my mind.

Furthermore, it reinforces a universal truth that we embark on a journey for a better life, seeking wisdom and guidance along the way.

I've always valued reading books among the various sources of practical knowledge available.

Within my book collection, there are certain books I revisit annually.

Curious why?

There’s a fascinating reason behind this.

Each time I engage with these books, it's like venturing on a voyage of new perspectives.

Every time I reread, it unveils something novel.

It's a fresh insight that adds to my continuously growing understanding.

Today, I have decided to share five of those books that I revisit every year.

So, let’s get started with the first one (my personal favorite).

With Warren Buffett loving it and over 30 million copies sold, this book is at the top of my rereads list.

Wondering what sets this book apart?

Well! It's remarkable practicality.

Pick this book, read any chapter and boom! You can put its wisdom into practicality.

No matter where you are. Whether in a church or on a busy tram ride, this book remains practical wherever people thrive.

Carnegie's wisdom on making new connections is summarized in these words:

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." Dale Carnegie

In this book, Carnegie discusses a range of subjects, such as happiness. He also focuses on mastering the art of persuasion.

This book still holds importance in self-help literature. And the fun fact is that this book was published about 100 years ago.

So, give it a read, and transform your life, once and for all.

With this, let's jump to the next masterpiece.

Have you ever found yourself agreeing to something you later regretted?

Or purchased something you didn't really want to but couldn't resist?

Why do you think this happens?

Some kind of witchcraft? Just kidding!

All these inquiries find their answers in the book, "Influence" by Robert Cialdini.

"A well-known principle of human behavior says that when we ask someone to do us a favor we will be more successful if we provide a reason. People simply like to have reasons for what they do." Robert B. Cialdini

It’s a highly successful book on the art of persuasion.

The book's three million sales and translation into thirty languages have led to widespread popularity and influence.

Why do I keep rereading this book?

Well! The answer lies in its foundation.

You will be thrilled to hear that this book is the result of thirty-five years of thorough research.

And not only this but also a three-year study on behavioral change by Robert Cialdini.

The reason I’m recommending this book is that it offers versatile principles. It demonstrates how to use these principles to persuade others. And at the same time, shield ourselves from negative influences from others.

So, who should read this publication?

Well, it's a book for everyone. It's especially valuable for those who want to learn how to influence and persuade people around them.

This isn't just a book to read; it's one to embrace. It will reshape your perspective on psychology and persuasion.

Feeling tired of the regular corporate grind?

Longing for a different path in life?

"The 4-Hour Workweek" is a must-read for you.

I'm someone who doesn’t find resonance with the conventional norms of work. I mean everything from traditional ideas of employment, retirement, and lifestyle.

To be honest, this book brings me peace.

The reason is simple.

Within these pages, I find a world that challenges the status quo. A world where fresh perspectives are offered.

"Focus on being productive instead of busy." Tim Ferriss

Today's corporate business model measures productivity by time spent working.

But Tim says that this approach is flawed because a significant part of the time at work is actually wasted. So, how can we measure productivity by time spent?

This book offers us a refreshing perspective.

He recommends us a shift. A shift towards efficient use of time.

This book enables us to focus on the tasks that bring big results.

"To enjoy life, you don't need fancy nonsense, but you do need to control your time and realize that most things just aren't as serious as you make them out to be." Timothy Ferriss

So, if you believe money can have an impact on life, you're right.

Yet, this perspective only paints a part of the picture.

While financial success matters, it's not the sole masterpiece.

Instead, living with complete freedom will lead to a more impactful life.

You won’t find such unique viewpoints elsewhere.

This book is for everyone. Everyone from a college teenager to someone who has just started into the world corporate business.

I want it to be on your priority reading list.

I strongly believe that ‘Managing Oneself’ is the magnum opus of Peter Drucker.

So if you want to achieve success and uncover your strengths, read Peter Drucker's "Managing Oneself."

Peter Drucker seems to be a motivational speaker in this book. He encourages readers to seize opportunities.

Seize opportunities by recognizing their strengths, work approaches, and values.

"Successful careers are not planned. They develop when people are prepared for opportunities because they know their strengths, their method of work, and their values." Peter F. Drucker

You may have seen that some people balance their work and personal lives. Meanwhile, others seem trapped in a constant struggle.

But why does this disparity exist?

Drucker dives deep into its intricacies. He explains the importance of self-awareness and adaptability. His insights guide us toward a more balanced, fulfilling life.

In the domain of personal development, Drucker's wisdom shines with unparalleled brilliance.

"You should not change yourself, but create yourself," he asserts.

In this book, Drucker adopts a conversational style that feels engaging to a knowledgeable friend.

Reading this book is like going on a journey. A voyage of self-discovery and effective management.

So, are you going to join me on this cruise?

Moving to next…

Have you ever found yourself not enjoying something that brings pleasure to someone else?

Consider events like a bachelor party or an office project, the difference in reactions can be quite striking.

What are the factors that drive this difference in viewpoints? Epictetus provides explanations.

Epictetus, a Greek Stoic philosopher, solved this puzzle in his work "Manual for Living."

He offers an enlightening insight into this matter when he says:

"Your happiness depends on three things, all of which are within your power: your will, your ideas concerning the events in which you are involved, and the use you make of your ideas." Epictetus

He emphasizes that it's not the event itself that dictates our feelings. But rather our interpretations and judgments about it.

He tells us to realize that we have the power to control how we react emotionally.

Whether we find joy, pain, or indifference in a situation. It's a result of our own perceptions.

This book is a treasure trove of wisdom for a perfect life, guiding us along the way.

The main lesson I've learned is to focus on living for myself.

He advises against pretending to be wise to impress others. Instead, he suggests embracing personal wisdom by living life on our own terms.

This book is all about understanding our values and living life our way, regardless of differing societal views.



With this book by Epictetus, my list of the top five standout reads completes.

Personally, books remain the richest source of knowledge for me.

It's because they serve dual purposes. They not only offer new perspectives on life but also teach us to think critically.

"Don't just say you have read books. Show that through them you have learned to think better, to be a more discriminating and reflective person." Epictetus

I believe that books should not only be read but also absorbed.

Rereading books isn't very common, perhaps because many people might not realize its significance.

Robertson Davies believes that a good book should be read three times. First when you are young, then when you are older, and finally when you are quite old.

He compares it to a beautiful building that you want to see in the morning, at noon, and at night.

"For me, reading and rereading are an everlasting apprenticeship." John Green

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