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18 Best Nonfiction Books Of All Time According To Katharine Hayhoe-Climate Change/Political Science

In today's world, the intersection of climate change and political science plays a critical role in shaping our future.

To navigate this complex landscape, it's essential to educate ourselves with the right information.

One person who has made significant contributions in this field is Katharine Hayhoe, a renowned climate scientist and political science professor.

We'll explore her list of the great nonfiction books recommended by her on climate change and political science.

Source: Books Katharine Hayhoe recommended on her Twitter.

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Kate Raworth's "Doughnut Economics" challenges conventional economic thinking. She presents a fresh approach that encourages us to think like 21st-century economists, emphasizing sustainability, equity, and the well-being of both people and the planet. Raworth introduces the concept of the "doughnut," which symbolizes the balance between planetary boundaries and social foundations. This book is essential for anyone interested in the intersection of economics and climate change.

David Archer's "The Global Carbon Cycle" provides a comprehensive understanding of the Earth's carbon cycle. It explains how carbon moves through the atmosphere, oceans, and land, and the implications of human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, on carbon levels. This book is a fundamental resource for those seeking to grasp the science behind climate change.

In "Climate Cover-Up," James Hoggan and Richard Littlemore expose the concerted efforts to deny the reality of global warming. They reveal how special interests and vested industries have manipulated public perception and sowed doubt about climate change, making it a must-read for those interested in climate politics.

Originally published in 1987, Betsy Hartmann's book remains relevant today. "Reproductive Rights and Wrongs" delves into the complex global politics surrounding population control and reproductive rights. It explores the intersections between population control policies, environmentalism, and feminism, offering a historical perspective on these issues.

Kristin Kobes Du Mez's book examines the influence of white evangelicalism on American politics and culture. "Jesus and John Wayne" explores how certain segments of the evangelical movement have shaped political attitudes, including those related to climate change. It sheds light on the complex relationship between religion and environmental issues.

Syukuro Manabe's book is an exploration of how numerical models have revolutionized our understanding of climate change. Manabe, a pioneering climate scientist, explains the mathematical foundations that underpin our climate models, making complex concepts accessible to both scientists and non-scientists.

Solomon Goldstein-Rose presents a bold and actionable plan for addressing climate change in "The 100% Solution." This book offers a comprehensive strategy for transitioning to a sustainable and carbon-neutral future, emphasizing the urgency of taking decisive action.

"Drawdown" by Paul Hawken is a groundbreaking work that outlines the most comprehensive plan to reverse global warming. It presents a ranked list of solutions, from renewable energy to reforestation, that have the potential to draw down carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and mitigate climate change.

Written by Christiana Figueres, a key figure in the Paris Agreement negotiations, and Tom Rivett-Carnac, this book explores the choices we must make to survive the climate crisis. It offers a hopeful yet pragmatic perspective on how humanity can take meaningful action to combat climate change.

While not exclusively focused on climate change, "A Lab of One's Own" offers an insightful look into the challenges faced by women in the sciences, including climate research. Rita Colwell's personal journey through sexism in science sheds light on the importance of diversity and gender equity in scientific fields.

Robert Henson's "The Thinking Person's Guide to Climate Change" is a comprehensive overview of climate science. This second edition covers key concepts, scientific evidence, and the latest developments in climate research, making it an invaluable resource for those seeking a deep understanding of climate change.

"Angry Weather" by Friederike Otto explores the connections between extreme weather events and climate change. It delves into the emerging field of attribution science, which investigates the role of climate change in specific weather events, providing insights into the growing impact of global warming.

Lynda Walsh's book, "Scientists as Prophets," examines the rhetorical power of scientists in shaping public discourse on issues like climate change. It traces the historical role of scientists as communicators and explores the influence of their prophetic voices on society.

Frances Fitzgerald's "The Evangelicals" delves into the history and impact of the evangelical movement in shaping American politics. Understanding this influence is essential for comprehending the political dynamics surrounding climate change policy in the United States.

Mark A. Noll's book, first published in 1994, addresses the challenges of reconciling faith and science, which remains a pertinent issue in the context of climate change. "The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind" offers insights into the historical struggle to bridge the gap between these two domains.

David Wallace-Wells paints a vivid and sobering picture of the potential consequences of unchecked climate change in "The Uninhabitable Earth." He explores the dire scenarios that await humanity if we fail to take meaningful action to address global warming.

In her own book, Katharine K. Wilkinson examines how some evangelical Christians are finding common ground with environmentalists on climate change issues. She explores the efforts to bridge the gap between faith and environmental stewardship, shedding light on this evolving dialogue.

Naomi Oreskes' "Merchants of Doubt" exposes the tactics employed by a select group of scientists to obscure the truth on issues ranging from tobacco smoke to climate change. This book underscores the importance of critical thinking and discerning fact from fiction in public discourse.


If you enjoyed these book recommendations, check out more similar list on my on my blog —

These 18 books offer a diverse and comprehensive exploration of climate change and political science, providing readers with valuable insights into the complex issues surrounding our changing world.

Whether you're a climate scientist, policymaker, or concerned citizen, these books offer a wealth of knowledge to deepen your understanding of the critical challenges we face.


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